On April 13, 2015 I filed a complaint with the Utah Attorney General’s Office asking for an official investigation into Eagle Mountain City’s corruption. Among other things, I requested that it investigate the thousands of meals purchased by city employees at area restaurants with their government-issued credit cards.
On April 23, 2015 I got a call from Nate Mutter, the Section Chief of the Public Corruption Unit. During our 10 minute conversation he informed me that the Utah County Attorney’s Office told him that they didn’t follow up on my initial allegations of corruption that were filed in January 2013 because the Utah State Auditor’s Office never forwarded its findings to them for prosecution. Mr. Mutter informed me that he has now forwarded my new complaint along with the Utah State Auditor’s report to their office and that Jeff Robinson, the Chief of the Utah County Bureau of Investigations, has already assigned a new investigator to the case.
(Mayor Pengra’s claims of city innocence may yet come undone. I’m pretty sure the AG and the Utah County Attorney wouldn’t waste taxpayer money on yet another Eagle Mountain investigation unless they thought there was something to prosecute.)
To learn more about the city’s corruption please read the following report:
“Pigs in Suits–A Citizen Audit of Eagle Mountain City’s
2010-2013 Credit Card Statements”
(Executive Summary)
(Full Report – 2.9MB pdf)
If Beau Babka, a former Cottonwood Heights police officer, can be charged with a third-degree felony for using a government credit card to make $48.17 worth of personal gas purchases, the AG’s Office should be able to easily charge many of Eagle Mountain’s employees with felonies too, especially since they collectively spent about $42k at area restaurants and are continuing to illegally withhold dozens of credit card statements that may also contain criminal transactions.
Sam Allen
Chief Political Janitor